Odpoczywaj w pokoju, Dawidzie, mój drogi przyjacielu – napisała przewodnicząca Komisji Europejskiej Ursula von der Leyen.

W wieku 65 lat zmarł w nocy z poniedziałku na wtorek przewodniczący Parlamentu Europejskiego, włoski socjaldemokrata David Sassoli.

„David Sassoli zmarł 11 stycznia o godzinie 1.15 w CRO (centrum referencyjnym onkologii) w Aviano we Włoszech, gdzie był hospitalizowany od 26 grudnia” – poinformował jego rzecznik Roberto Cuillo w serwisie społecznościowym Twitter.

Oświadczenie Przewodniczącej Komisji Europejskiej Ursuli von der Leyen

È un giorno triste per l’Europa. Oggi la nostra Unione perde un convinto europeista, un sinchero democratico, e un uomo buono.

Today is a sad day for Europe. Our Union loses a passionate European, a sincere democrat and a good man. David Sassoli was a man of deep faith and strong convictions. Everyone loved his smile and his kindness, yet he knew how to fight for what he believed in. In 1989, he was in Berlin, among the young Europeans when the Wall came down. And ever since, he has stood on the side of democracy and of a united Europe. In over a decade of service in the European Parliament, he constantly defended our Union and its values. But he also believed that Europe had to strive for more. He wanted Europe to be more united, closer to its people, more faithful to our values. That is his legacy.

And that is how I will remember him. As a champion of justice and solidarity, and a dear friend. My thoughts are with his wife, Alessandra, his children, Giulio and Livia, and all his friends.

Un uomo que a lottato per la giustizia e la solidarietà, e un buon amico. I miei pensieri vanno alla moglie, Alessandra, ai figli Giulio e Livia, e a tutti i suo-i amichi.

źródło: Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce

grafika: EC